Ready to go all in on your long term goals? Then this offer is for you. We'll craft a beautiful brand and visuals that tell your story. Then we'll design a custom website, ensuring your online experience aligns seamlessly with your brand identity and shares your message in a heartfelt way.

The visionary brand + website

brand + WEbsite

A full website design
Brand strategy + copy writing
Full brand identity
Brand book
Collateral design
Launch graphics

every project is different but here's what may be included in the visionary brand and website:

Funds to invest
A business name
Availability for prompt feedback
A vision for your business
A website domain

what you will need to get started:

download the pricing guide

At the beginning of every project, we'll begin with a  discovery phase. We'll gain a deep understanding of your brand, its objectives, and your ideal clients. We'll also complete a competitor analysis to identify opportunities and trends within your industry and  gather essential information to form the foundation of our design strategy.

With insights from the research phase, we'll move on to crafting a unique concept and design strategy. We'll define the structure of your website, its navigation, and discuss the user experience. We'll create a mood board and establish a visual direction that sets the tone for the design process, aligning every element with your brand identity.

Time for the magic. We'll bring the design to life, ensuring it not only looks visually stunning but also functions well. We'll ensure that the website adapts to various devices and screen sizes and every aspect of your website will have a purpose - to convert, clarify and/or educate.

At this stage, we'll test your website to ensure functionality, compatibility, and responsiveness across multiple devices and browsers. We'll optimize the website for performance, speed, and SEO to maximize visibility and make it a memorable experience for your clients.

We'll configure hosting and your domain to ensure a smooth and secure launch. Post launch, we’ll give you everything you need to edit and maintain your website - eliminating “management” fees. However, if you require help with post-launch updates, we'll be here to give you hand!



"Working with Agatha on my brand and website design was a delightful experience. She is professional, sincere, and has an exceptional eye for design. Her thoughtful process resulted in a brand and website design that is not only beautiful but a true reflection of my business that I am proud to share with others"

Katie olivier, white rock, bc

Working with Agatha from Ederra Design has been an absolute blessing and joy! She has been redesigning my website to reflect my new business, and I couldn’t be happier with what she’s created and the process of working together.

Agatha really took the time to get to know ME and my personality to create a website that aligns with my authenticity. She is professional, organized, and has quick turnarounds with edits. Agatha answers all my questions and has gone above and beyond in designing my new website. Everything from choosing my color palette to the layout has been not only a peaceful process, but also exciting and fun!

christa nannos, health coach, IA, USA

Agatha from Ederra design is wonderful to work with - over the past years I have had the privilege of working with her in connection with my business (website, templates, updates) in addition to her helping my business, Agatha has also created a branding package for my husband's new venture as well, business cards, logos, and decal designs. If are you are on the lookout for branding - Ederra design is the place to go, 100% recommend Agatha!

Amy, harley, ON